Пятаки стартера киа бонго

Замена стартера KIA Bongo. Как поменять на стартере пятаки? Своими руками, бесплатно Kia Bongo

Почему этим должны заниматься автовладельцы? Автопроизводители сами должны предусматривать подобные дефекты! Вопрос риторический конечно. Автору ПЛЮС.

welp i just spent 2 hours removing and disasembling and cleaning out the motor on the 3.1L and OMG it was just as badly severely packed with crud and grease dirt grime as yours here was wow. plus some burnt oil grime smells too coming from inside it like thre armature etc. insane.. anyways i didnt get as nice clean with the brush armature contact area as you did, with a brass bristle brush or any of that and mine wasnt a planetary gear reduction type. regardless it now cranks over pretyt nicely now and every now and then it has a lilttle delay or hangup for a second or two but always starts now. brushes were plenty of life left. no reason to replace anything in it yet at 102k miles. definitely worth the two hours of disassembly and cleaning and replacing over buying a new one for more delayed time anyways. hopefully wont need a new one for another couple three years or something. if it does start acting up again i may possibly disassemble again and really clean brush armature contact alot better. as there is some over amperage overheating damage to a couple of the brushes and a little to the armature brush contact. so some resurfacing of them slightly would help im sure quite bit. you have to unboly front lower rear engine mount at trans bellhousing and jack up engine a couple inches to get the started out of thes 3.1L and 3.4L engines. and that plastic flexplate teeth dust cover is a joke you have to break in in half to get it off out of the way after removing the three 10mm screws,. PITA! its permanently removed now, for at least now anyways.

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Bonsoir j’ai une Ford galaxy 1995 j’ai mon demarreur qui fonction pas la batterie et neuf je voudrait savoir comment faire elle s’allume mais elle demarre pas merci de me rep

I still prefer the Taurus SHO with the Livernois Tune at 475 lbs ft of torque AWD dkimg 3.2 sec 0-60, for 24k.

If the sensor fails intermittantly will a fault code always be logged on the ecu and a scan tool would detect this intermittant problem?


Как поменять на стартере пятаки? Своими руками, бесплатно Kia Bongo

Алексей Баев

У меня такой же стартер, только машина хендай терракан 2.9.
Никак не найду такой ремкомплект. Ни пластину, не втулки пластмассовые под болт. И подобрать не могу.


это контакты а втягивающий пятак ты отложил и не показал как снять пятак на втягивающем

Весёлый Атас

про турбину есть видео. не тянет что то, динамика пропала. аппаратура простая стоит. а так бонго такой же. стартер тоже сегодня снял, завтра за пятаками поеду. спасибо за видео. всё понятно.

Уставший русский

Иван, ты на все руки мастер ))

Уставший русский

Вот бы у меня так стартер снимался ) Иван, спасибо за очередное видео с полезной информацией .


Замена стартера KIA Bongo. Как поменять на стартере пятаки? Своими руками, бесплатно Kia Bongo

Почему этим должны заниматься автовладельцы? Автопроизводители сами должны предусматривать подобные дефекты! Вопрос риторический конечно. Автору ПЛЮС.

welp i just spent 2 hours removing and disasembling and cleaning out the motor on the 3.1L and OMG it was just as badly severely packed with crud and grease dirt grime as yours here was wow. plus some burnt oil grime smells too coming from inside it like thre armature etc. insane.. anyways i didnt get as nice clean with the brush armature contact area as you did, with a brass bristle brush or any of that and mine wasnt a planetary gear reduction type. regardless it now cranks over pretyt nicely now and every now and then it has a lilttle delay or hangup for a second or two but always starts now. brushes were plenty of life left. no reason to replace anything in it yet at 102k miles. definitely worth the two hours of disassembly and cleaning and replacing over buying a new one for more delayed time anyways. hopefully wont need a new one for another couple three years or something. if it does start acting up again i may possibly disassemble again and really clean brush armature contact alot better. as there is some over amperage overheating damage to a couple of the brushes and a little to the armature brush contact. so some resurfacing of them slightly would help im sure quite bit. you have to unboly front lower rear engine mount at trans bellhousing and jack up engine a couple inches to get the started out of thes 3.1L and 3.4L engines. and that plastic flexplate teeth dust cover is a joke you have to break in in half to get it off out of the way after removing the three 10mm screws,. PITA! its permanently removed now, for at least now anyways.

Bonsoir j’ai une Ford galaxy 1995 j’ai mon demarreur qui fonction pas la batterie et neuf je voudrait savoir comment faire elle s’allume mais elle demarre pas merci de me rep

I still prefer the Taurus SHO with the Livernois Tune at 475 lbs ft of torque AWD dkimg 3.2 sec 0-60, for 24k.

If the sensor fails intermittantly will a fault code always be logged on the ecu and a scan tool would detect this intermittant problem?


Втягивающее реле стартера Киа бонго 3


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Как поменять на стартере пятаки? Своими руками, бесплатно Kia Bongo

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Втягивающее реле стартера Киа бонго 3

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