Kia sportage euro ncap

Спасет ли вас новый Kia Sportage в ДТП

В целом, корейский кроссовер оказался безопаснее, чем немецкий электромобиль BMW i 4, который получил лишь четыре звезды, а Kia Sportage – пять.

Результат Kia Sportage был вполне ожидаем – ранее его продемонстрировал родной брат кроссовера – Hyundai Tucson. Sportage набрал 87% за защиту взрослых пассажиров, 86% – за защиту детей, 66% за безопасность для пешеходов и 72% получили его системы безопасности.

Для сравнения, BMW i 4 заработал за защиту взрослых пассажиров тоже 87%, детей – 87%, пешеходов – 71%, но электромобиль подвели системы безопасности – всего 64%.

Но результат Kia Sportage – не самый лучший. Разбитые в этой же партии каблучки Mercedes-Benz T-класса и Citan Tourer набрали впечатляющий 91% за защиту взрослых пассажиров, 93% – за защиту детей и 90% за системы безопасности, но только 69% за защиту пешеходов.

Новый Kia Sportage скоро должен поступить в продажу в России. Предзаказ еще недоступен, а цены неизвестны. Чтобы быть в курсе, следите за нашими новостями и подписывайтесь на наши странички и каналы в соцсетях и мессенджерах.

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Отзывы о Kia Sportage ( 7 )

Эргономичный салон. Много места спереди и сзади. Драйвовый ДВС и АКПП.

Читайте также:  Киа сид как менять салонный фильтр на

Шумное днище и арки. Небольшой дорожный просвет. Не очень эргономичная подвеска.

Год покупки — 2018. Это первый мой автомобиль, в котором не хочу менять решетку радиатора, т.к. она мне нравится :) Ездил на чуть более 40 гражданских легковых автомобилей, на которых, были и тест-драйвы, чем-то владел лично, ездил по служебным заданиям, друзья просто давали на тест. Есть с чем сравнить. Но ниже я хотел бы сузить сравнение до BMW X5 (F15) и Kia Sportage IV и вот почему. Т.к. дизайн (автомобильный дизайн, это не только красивый кузов и эргономика салона, но и проработка узлов машины) разработала европейская дизайн-студия KIA, расположенная во Франкфурте-на-Майне (Германия) с участием главного дизайнера Peter Schreyer, то автомобиль получил решения в части эргономики и функциональности в рамках немецкий школы со своими плюсами и минусами. С точки зрения эргономики, Sportage и X5 очень схожи. Лоску и доп. функций больше у BMW, но принципиальной разницы с точки зрения среднестатистического потребителя нет. Приборы водителя, кнопки управления у обоих брендов находятся в удобной зоне, эргономика посадки спереди и сзади — на одном комфортном уровне. При высадке пассажира с заднего места также, как и у сравниваемого BMW ногой задеваешь металлическую часть заднего крыла. Подвеска упругая, энергоемкая и немного жесткая у обоих автомобилей. Существенной разницы при вождении я лично не почувствовал. Жирный минус Sportage — пороги дверей не защищены от грязи. Но и у X5 есть просчет — это боковые внешние пороги. Они так сильно выпирают, что при посадке-высадке также задеваешь их ногами, если у тебя не рост под 2 метра. При этом у X5 в части задних пассажиров нет лампы освещения салона. Место в салоне достаточно у обоих автомобилей, хотя X5 по сантиметрам больше, но эта длина нивелируется «пухлыми» спинками кресел, которые и забирают «лишние» сантиметры под себя.


New Kia Sportage scores five-star rating in Euro NCAP safety tests

July 6, 2022 – The all-new Kia Sportage has been awarded the maximum five-star rating by Euro NCAP, Europe’s leading independent safety assessment programme. The Sportage performed to a high standard throughout the test process, illustrating the vehicle’s exceptional active and passive safety credentials.

The Sportage was assessed in four categories: adult occupant protection, child occupant protection, safety assistance, and protection for vulnerable road users. For adult occupant protection the Sportage scored an impressive 87%, with Euro NCAP praising in particular how the passenger compartment remained stable in the frontal offset test. Good protection of the knees and femur of both driver and passenger were reported, regardless of occupant size or seating position. In the child occupant protection tests, the Sportage achieved 86%, minimising impact on all critical body areas for both the six- and ten-year-old representative dummies.

The Sportage’s safety assist systems achieved a score of 72%, with Euro NCAP highlighting the performance of the Sportage’s camera-based Intelligent Speed Limit Assist and Lane Keeping Assist systems. The vehicle’s autonomous emergency braking system (AEB) contributed to a vulnerable road user score of 66%, with testers giving specific mention to the system’s recognition of cyclists.

Key to the test result was the model’s new N3 architecture, which features a ‘multi-load path’ structure which controls how energy is absorbed by the car in the event of a collision, minimising intrusion into the passenger cabin. Passenger protection is further enhanced with a new reinforced, lightweight body structure with high tortional rigidity.

The new model introduces a Multi-Collision Brake (MCB) and Centre Side Airbag, taking the total of airbags to seven. The Sportage also comes with a suite of passive and active safety systems and DriveWise, Kia’s latest Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), making it one of the safest SUVs in its class. In the event of a collision, or at user request, the vehicle’s eCall system will automatically alert the emergency services of the vehicle’s location for rapid assistance.

Alexandre Papapetropoulos, Director of Product & Pricing Kia Europe, said: “The new Sportage is the modern reinvention of one of Kia’s most iconic models and has become our best-performing model year to date. The goal of further optimising the car’s safety credentials shaped the development process from the outset. With a five-star Euro NCAP rating, new Sportage customers can be assured that its robust structure and modern assistive technologies will maximise the safety of occupants and other road users at all times.”

Thanks to its sleek yet muscular design and European-focussed engineering, the fifth generation Sportage has shown strong sales figures since launch and has already passed 60,000 units year-to-date. The Plug-in Hybrid model accounted for 27% of sales, with its exceptional combination of electric mobility, unparalleled practicality and convenience making it a standout proposition in the electrified SUV segment.


Kia Sportage



Front Seat



The passenger compartment remained stable in the frontal impact, the windescreen pillar being deformed rearward only 2mm after the test. Dummy readings showed good protection of the front passengers’ knees and femurs. Kia was able to demonstrate that a similar level of protection would be offered to occupants of different sizes and to those sat in different positions. In the side barrier test, all body areas were well protected and the car scored maximum points. In the more severe side pole test, dummy readings of rib deflection indiciated a marginal level of protection for the chest area. The seat and head restraint provided good protection against whiplash injuries in the event of a rear-end collision.

  • Fitted to the vehicle as standard
  • Not fitted to the test vehicle but available as option
  • Not Available

In the frontal impact, movement of the 3 year dummy, sat in a forward facing restraint, was not excessive. In the side impact, both child dummies were properly contained within the protective shells of their restraints. The passenger airbag can be disabled to allow a rearward facing child restraint to be used in that seating position. The status of the airbag is clearly displayed to the driver, so that it is clear whether the seat is safe for a rearward facing restraint (airbag off) or for an adult passenger (airbag on). Kia recommend a different child restraint for universal installation using the adult seatbelts, and for installation using the ISOFIX anchorages. Owners should check their owner’s manual for details and should ensure they have the restraint which is recommended for the intended method of installation.

VRU Impact Protection

The bumper provided good protection to pedestrians’ legs in some of the areas tested but only marginal protection in others. The front edge of the bonnet provided predominantly poor protection. In most of the areas likely to be struck by a child’s head, the bonnet offered good levels of protection. However, for an adult’s head, most of the areas tested showed poor protection.


Kia Sportage



Rear Passenger




Rear Seat

Front Seat

The Sportage scored maximum points in the frontal offset test, with good protection of all critical body areas for both the driver and passenger dummies. Dummy readings indicated good protection of the knees and femurs of both dummies and Kia showed that a similar level of protection would be provided to occupants of different sizes and to those sat in different positions. In the full-width rigid barrier test, protection of the driver and rear passenger was good for all body areas except the chest, protection of which was adequate for both, with only a fraction of a point being lost for the driver. In the side barrier impact, protection of all critical parts of the body was again good, and the Sportage scored maximum points. Even in the more severe side pole test, all body areas were well protected. The front seats and head restraints demonstrated good protection against whiplash injury in Euro NCAP’s tests. A geometric assessment of the rear seats indicated marginal whiplash protection for the occupants of those seats. An autonomous emergency braking system is available on the Sportage which would provide additional whiplash protection at the low, city speeds at which such injuries commonly occur. The system was not included in this assessment as it is not standard equipment.


New Kia Sportage scores five-star rating in Euro NCAP safety tests

July 6, 2022 – The all-new Kia Sportage has been awarded the maximum five-star rating by Euro NCAP, Europe’s leading independent safety assessment programme. The Sportage performed to a high standard throughout the test process, illustrating the vehicle’s exceptional active and passive safety credentials.

The Sportage was assessed in four categories: adult occupant protection, child occupant protection, safety assistance, and protection for vulnerable road users. For adult occupant protection the Sportage scored an impressive 87%, with Euro NCAP praising in particular how the passenger compartment remained stable in the frontal offset test. Good protection of the knees and femur of both driver and passenger were reported, regardless of occupant size or seating position. In the child occupant protection tests, the Sportage achieved 86%, minimising impact on all critical body areas for both the six- and ten-year-old representative dummies.

The Sportage’s safety assist systems achieved a score of 72%, with Euro NCAP highlighting the performance of the Sportage’s camera-based Intelligent Speed Limit Assist and Lane Keeping Assist systems. The vehicle’s autonomous emergency braking system (AEB) contributed to a vulnerable road user score of 66%, with testers giving specific mention to the system’s recognition of cyclists.

Key to the test result was the model’s new N3 architecture, which features a ‘multi-load path’ structure which controls how energy is absorbed by the car in the event of a collision, minimising intrusion into the passenger cabin. Passenger protection is further enhanced with a new reinforced, lightweight body structure with high tortional rigidity.

The new model introduces a Multi-Collision Brake (MCB) and Centre Side Airbag, taking the total of airbags to seven. The Sportage also comes with a suite of passive and active safety systems and DriveWise, Kia’s latest Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), making it one of the safest SUVs in its class. In the event of a collision, or at user request, the vehicle’s eCall system will automatically alert the emergency services of the vehicle’s location for rapid assistance.

Alexandre Papapetropoulos, Director of Product & Pricing Kia Europe, said: “The new Sportage is the modern reinvention of one of Kia’s most iconic models and has become our best-performing model year to date. The goal of further optimising the car’s safety credentials shaped the development process from the outset. With a five-star Euro NCAP rating, new Sportage customers can be assured that its robust structure and modern assistive technologies will maximise the safety of occupants and other road users at all times.”

Thanks to its sleek yet muscular design and European-focussed engineering, the fifth generation Sportage has shown strong sales figures since launch and has already passed 60,000 units year-to-date. The Plug-in Hybrid model accounted for 27% of sales, with its exceptional combination of electric mobility, unparalleled practicality and convenience making it a standout proposition in the electrified SUV segment.


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