Kia sportage crash test

Kia Sportage не прошел краш-тесты: ноль звезд, но все-таки лучше Tucson

Latin NCAP продолжает шокировать мир результатами краш-тестов автомобилей, продающихся в Южной Америке. В прошлый раз в испытаниях принял участие Hyundai Tucson, по итогам которых не заработал ни одной звезды, теперь организация проверила соплатформенный Kia Sportage: результат ожидаемо оказался таким же, но нюансы всё-таки есть.

Напомним, что показатели защиты водителя и взрослых пассажиров Hyundai Tucson оценены в 51%, защита пассажиров-детей — 4%, безопасность пешеходов — 50%, наличие и работа электронных систем безопасности — 7%.

Последний показатель оказался таким же у Kia Sportage: рассчитывать на действие ассистентов не приходится. Конструкция бампера и капота Sportage безопаснее, чем у «собрата» — 58% за защиту пешеходов. По защите водителя и взрослого пассажира кроссовер не смог перешагнуть 50-процентный показатель — только 48%. Защита пассажиров-детей оказалась лучше, чем у Tucson, — 15%, но всё-таки недостаточной, чтобы назвать автомобиль безопасным.

«Жизнь латиноамериканца так же ценна и важна, как и жизнь любого другого клиента Hyundai-Kia, и мы заслуживаем того же базового уровня безопасности, не доплачивая за них. Мы чувствуем дискриминацию со стороны этого автопроизводителя и требуем срочных действий по повышению уровня базовой безопасности в Латинской Америке в соответствии с лучшими мировыми практиками», — сказал Алехандро Фурас, генеральный секретарь Latin NCAP.

В краш-тесте принимал участие Kia Sportage четвёртого поколения, оснащённый двумя подушками безопасности и ABS.

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Отметим, что автомобили, представленные в России, по уровню безопасности отличаются от тех, которые продаются в Южной Америке. В нашей стране по-прежнему продаётся Kia Sportage четвёртой генерации, но новое поколение уже на подходе.


KIA Sportage › Краш-тест

Краш-тест KIA Sportage: видео независимой оценки безопасности нового автомобиля.
Год проведения: 2022. Результат теста: 5 из 5.

Тест-драйв KIA Sportage

Комплектации и цены
KIA Sportage

Новые автомобили с минимальной наценкой! Кредит и Trade-in. Большой выбор авто, 19 лет безупречной работы.

Покупка и продажа подержанных авто. Лучшие цены, кредит от 7.2%, первоначальный взнос от 0%, трейд-ин.

Вся представленная на сайте информация носит информационный характер и ни при каких условиях не является публичной офертой (Статья 437 Гражданского кодекса России). Цены на сайте могут отличаться от действительных у официальных дилеров и других автосалонов.


Kia Sportage



Rear Passenger




Rear Seat

Front Seat

The Sportage scored maximum points in the frontal offset test, with good protection of all critical body areas for both the driver and passenger dummies. Dummy readings indicated good protection of the knees and femurs of both dummies and Kia showed that a similar level of protection would be provided to occupants of different sizes and to those sat in different positions. In the full-width rigid barrier test, protection of the driver and rear passenger was good for all body areas except the chest, protection of which was adequate for both, with only a fraction of a point being lost for the driver. In the side barrier impact, protection of all critical parts of the body was again good, and the Sportage scored maximum points. Even in the more severe side pole test, all body areas were well protected. The front seats and head restraints demonstrated good protection against whiplash injury in Euro NCAP’s tests. A geometric assessment of the rear seats indicated marginal whiplash protection for the occupants of those seats. An autonomous emergency braking system is available on the Sportage which would provide additional whiplash protection at the low, city speeds at which such injuries commonly occur. The system was not included in this assessment as it is not standard equipment.


Kia Sportage

Full Width Rigid Barrier

Side Mobile Barrier

Side Pole

Far-Side Excursion

Occupant Interaction

Rear Seat

Front Seat

The passenger compartment of the Sportage remained stable in the frontal offset test. Dummy numbers showed good protection of the knees and femurs of both the driver and passenger. Kia showed that a similar level of protection would be provided to occupants of different sizes and to those sitting in different positions. Analysis of the deceleration of the impact trolley during the test, and analysis of the deformable barrier after the test, revealed that the Sportage would be a moderately benign impact partner in a frontal collision. In the full width rigid-barrier impact, protection of the chest of the driver was rated as marginal, based on dummy readings of chest compression. Otherwise, protection was good or adequate. In the side barrier test, protection of all critical body areas was good or adequate. In the more severe side pole impact, dummy readings of rib compression indicated marginal protection for that area, but protection of other body regions was good. Control of excursion (the extent to which a body is thrown to the other side of the vehicle when it is hit from the far side) was found to be adequate. The Sportage has a counter-measure to mitigate against occupant to occupant injuries in such impacts and this performed well in Euro NCAP’s test. Tests on the front seats and head restraints demonstrated good protection against whiplash injuries in the event of a rear-end collision. A geometric analysis of the rear seats also indicated marginal whiplash protection. The Sportage has an advanced eCall system which alerts the emergency services in the event of a crash. The car also has a system which applies the brakes after an impact, to avoid secondary collisions.


2023 Kia Sportage

2023 Kia Sportage 4-door SUV

Some ratings use a scale of Poor to Good. Others range from Basic to Superior.

Small overlap front: driver-side

Rating applies to 2023 models

Tested vehicle: 2022 Hyundai Tucson SEL 4-door 4wd

The Hyundai Tucson was redesigned for the 2022 model year and the Kia Sportage was redesigned for the 2023 model year. Driver-side small overlap frontal ratings are assigned by the Institute based on a test of a 2022 Hyundai Tucson conducted by Hyundai/Kia as part of frontal crash test verification.

Measures of occupant compartment intrusion on driver side

Test ID VTN2106
Lower occupant compartment
Lower hinge pillar max (cm) 9
Footrest (cm) 11
Left toepan (cm) 9
Brake pedal (cm) 3
Parking brake (cm)
Rocker panel lateral average (cm) 4
Upper occupant compartment
Steering column 1
Upper hinge pillar max (cm) 4
Upper dash (cm) 1
Lower instrument panel (cm) 6

Driver injury measures

Test ID VTN2106
HIC-15 77
Peak gs at hard contact no contact
Tension (kN) 0.9
Extension bending moment (Nm) 8
Maximum Nij 0.18
Chest maximum compression (mm) 23
Femur (kN)
Left 0.0
Right 1.1
Knee displacement (mm)
Left 1
Right 1
Knee-thigh-hip injury risk (%)
Left 0
Right 0
Maximum tibia index
Left 0.68
Right 0.55
Tibia axial force (kN)
Left 1.4
Right 0.2
Foot acceleration (g)
Left 104
Right 64

Small overlap front: passenger-side

Rating applies to 2023 models

Tested vehicle: 2022 Hyundai Tucson SEL 4-door 4wd

The Hyundai Tucson was redesigned for the 2022 model year and the Kia Sportage was redesigned for the 2023 model year. Passenger-side small overlap frontal ratings are assigned by the Institute based on a test of a 2022 Hyundai Tucson conducted by Hyundai/Kia as part of frontal crash test verification.

Measures of occupant compartment intrusion on passenger side

Test ID VTP2107
Lower occupant compartment
Lower hinge pillar max (cm) 7
Footrest (cm) 8
Right toepan (cm) 6
Center toepan (cm) 3
Rocker panel lateral average (cm) 2
Upper occupant compartment
Center dash (cm) 2
Upper hinge pillar max (cm) 4
Upper dash (cm) 3
Right lower dash (cm) 3

Passenger injury measures

Test ID VTP2107
HIC-15 74
Peak gs at hard contact no contact
Tension (kN) 0.9
Extension bending moment (Nm) 18
Maximum Nij 0.22
Chest maximum compression (mm) 27
Femur (kN)
Left 0.2
Right 0.1
Knee displacement (mm)
Left 0
Right 1
Knee-thigh-hip injury risk (%)
Left 0
Right 0
Maximum tibia index
Left 0.33
Right 0.68
Tibia axial force (kN)
Left 0.4
Right 1.3
Foot acceleration (g)
Left 36
Right 31

Driver injury measures

Test ID VTP2107
HIC-15 68
Peak gs at hard contact no contact
Tension (kN) 0.8
Extension bending moment (Nm) 12
Maximum Nij 0.19
Chest maximum compression (mm) 24
Femur (kN)
Left 0.1
Right 0.1
Knee displacement (mm)
Left 0
Right 0
Knee-thigh-hip injury risk (%)
Left 0
Right 0
Maximum tibia index
Left 0.30
Right 0.22
Tibia axial force (kN)
Left 0.2
Right 0.3
Foot acceleration (g)
Left 38
Right 43

Moderate overlap front: original test

Rating applies to 2023 models

Tested vehicle: 2022 Hyundai Tucson SEL 4-door 4wd

The Hyundai Tucson was redesigned for the 2022 model year and the Kia Sportage was redesigned for the 2023 model year. Moderate overlap frontal ratings are assigned by the Institute based on a test of a 2022 Hyundai Tucson conducted by Hyundai/Kia as part of frontal crash test verification.


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