Kia soul crash test

Новый Kia Soul безопаснее старого

Новое поколение Soul стало гораздо безопаснее предшествующего, оценка которого была лишь «приемлемо».

Новый Kia Soul , наконец, прошел серию краш-тестов Страхового института дорожной безопасности США ( IIHS ). Результаты впечатляют. Субкомпактный городской кроссовер получил высший балл Top Safety Pick + и стал гораздо безопаснее предыдущего поколения.

Главной причиной более высокого балла стали улучшившиеся результаты краш-теста с небольшим перекрытием со стороны пассажира. Новая модель теперь имеет рейтинг «хорошо», а не «приемлемо», который был у старого поколения Soul . В других испытаниях новый Soul также получил высшую оценку — «хорошо».

Самую высокую оценку Soul получил и за работу системы предотвращения столкновений. Система отлично срабатывала на скорости до 40 км/ч. Следует отметить, что система автоматического экстренного торможения доступна не во всех комплектациях автомобиля, как и система обнаружения пешеходов.

Оценку «хорошо» получили также светодиодные фары, что помогло Soul получить еще и максимальный рейтинг безопасности. К сожалению, галогенные фары удостоились лишь оценки «плохо». Неизменной осталась оценка креплений детских кресел — «приемлемо».

  • Новый Kia Soul уже продается в России по цене от 1 029 900 до 1 629 900 рублей.
  • Другой новинкой Kia на нашем рынке стал Kia ProCeed, цены на который начинаются от 1 519 900 рублей.

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Отзывы о Kia Soul ( 5 )

Компактный, но просторный внутри. Для рослого самое то. Ни разу не ломался. 2 года катался в Москве, далее по Черногории, по горам и серпантинам. Скорости тут ограниченные, так что управляемость особо не испытаешь. Климат-контроль работает все годы отменно. Здесь гарантия на них 7 лет, но хотя московскую сервисную книжку признали, но только на срок до 5 лет, как и в России.

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Иногда кажется, что реальных 126 сил нет, судя по динамике разгона, возможно, из-за Евро 4. Но с максималкой (проверена на пути из России через Европу) проблем нет. Пару раз загорался индикатор неисправности ESP, но вскоре (через пару дней) гас сам собой.

Пробег не большой. Ни тормозные колодки, ни резину еще менять нужды не было. Ест резину равномерно,правда, использую два комплекта летний и зимний.


Kia Soul



Rear Seat

Front Seat



The passenger compartment remained stable in the frontal impact test. Dummy readings indicated good protection of the knees and femurs of the driver and passenger. However, when the car was inspected after the test, it was found that spot welds had released as the front subframe was driven backwards and that this had caused a rupture in the driver footwell. This precluded any demonstration from Kia that the knees and femurs would be well protected for different occupant statures and positions, and the steering column and the edge of the centre console were thought to pose a risk of injury. In the side barrier test, the Soul scored maximum points with good protection of all critical body regions. However, in the more severe side pole test, dummy readings of rib deflection indicated weak chest protection. Cars before VIN KNAJP816LF7778250 have an earlier side airbag system with a slightly different design and deployment timing. The updated design tested by Euro NCAP offers better chest protection than the original system and Kia are contacting owners of earlier cars to have their cars updated to this specification. Protection against whiplash injuries in the event of a rear-end collision was rated as good for the front seat occupants and marginal for those in the rear.


2022 Kia Soul

2022 Kia Soul 4-door wagon

Some ratings use a scale of Poor to Good. Others range from Basic to Superior.

Small overlap front: driver-side

Rating applies to 2020-23 models

Tested vehicle: 2020 Kia Soul S wagon

The Kia Soul was redesigned for the 2020 model year. Driver-side small overlap frontal ratings are assigned by the Institute based on a test conducted by Hyundai/Kia as part of frontal crash test verification.

Measures of occupant compartment intrusion on driver side

Test ID VTN1909
Lower occupant compartment
Lower hinge pillar max (cm) 6
Footrest (cm) 3
Left toepan (cm) 3
Brake pedal (cm) 1
Parking brake (cm)
Rocker panel lateral average (cm) 3
Upper occupant compartment
Steering column 0
Upper hinge pillar max (cm) 5
Upper dash (cm) 4
Lower instrument panel (cm) 4

Driver injury measures

Test ID VTN1909
HIC-15 254
Peak gs at hard contact no contact
Tension (kN) 1.3
Extension bending moment (Nm) 10
Maximum Nij 0.27
Chest maximum compression (mm) 27
Femur (kN)
Left 2.1
Right 0.9
Knee displacement (mm)
Left 1
Right 1
Knee-thigh-hip injury risk (%)
Left 0
Right 0
Maximum tibia index
Left 0.44
Right 0.32
Tibia axial force (kN)
Left 1.7
Right 1.5
Foot acceleration (g)
Left 52
Right 72

Small overlap front: passenger-side

Rating applies to 2020-23 models

Tested vehicle: 2020 Kia Soul S wagon

The Kia Soul was redesigned for the 2020 model year. Passenger-side small overlap frontal ratings are assigned by the Institute based on a test conducted by Hyundai/Kia as part of frontal crash test verification.

Measures of occupant compartment intrusion on passenger side

Test ID VTP1916
Lower occupant compartment
Lower hinge pillar max (cm) 6
Footrest (cm) 7
Right toepan (cm) 4
Center toepan (cm) 2
Rocker panel lateral average (cm) 3
Upper occupant compartment
Center dash (cm) 1
Upper hinge pillar max (cm) 4
Upper dash (cm) 3
Right lower dash (cm) 4

Passenger injury measures

Test ID VTP1916
HIC-15 115
Peak gs at hard contact no contact
Tension (kN) 0.9
Extension bending moment (Nm) 22
Maximum Nij 0.27
Chest maximum compression (mm) 25
Femur (kN)
Left 0.2
Right 1.3
Knee displacement (mm)
Left 1
Right 7
Knee-thigh-hip injury risk (%)
Left 0
Right 0
Maximum tibia index
Left 0.43
Right 0.47
Tibia axial force (kN)
Left 1.5
Right 1.2
Foot acceleration (g)
Left 52
Right 46

Driver injury measures

Test ID VTP1916
HIC-15 134
Peak gs at hard contact no contact
Tension (kN) 0.9
Extension bending moment (Nm) 17
Maximum Nij 0.21
Chest maximum compression (mm) 34
Femur (kN)
Left 0.3
Right 0.3
Knee displacement (mm)
Left 1
Right 1
Knee-thigh-hip injury risk (%)
Left 0
Right 0
Maximum tibia index
Left 0.21
Right 0.21
Tibia axial force (kN)
Left 0.2
Right 0.8
Foot acceleration (g)
Left 49
Right 52

Moderate overlap front: original test

Rating applies to 2020-23 models

Tested vehicle: 2020 Kia Soul LX wagon

The Kia Soul was redesigned for the 2020 model year. Moderate overlap frontal ratings are assigned by the Institute based on a test conducted by Hyundai/Kia as part of frontal crash test verification.


2021 Kia Soul

2021 Kia Soul 4-door wagon

Some ratings use a scale of Poor to Good. Others range from Basic to Superior.

Small overlap front: driver-side

Rating applies to 2020-23 models

Tested vehicle: 2020 Kia Soul S wagon

The Kia Soul was redesigned for the 2020 model year. Driver-side small overlap frontal ratings are assigned by the Institute based on a test conducted by Hyundai/Kia as part of frontal crash test verification.

Measures of occupant compartment intrusion on driver side

Test ID VTN1909
Lower occupant compartment
Lower hinge pillar max (cm) 6
Footrest (cm) 3
Left toepan (cm) 3
Brake pedal (cm) 1
Parking brake (cm)
Rocker panel lateral average (cm) 3
Upper occupant compartment
Steering column 0
Upper hinge pillar max (cm) 5
Upper dash (cm) 4
Lower instrument panel (cm) 4

Driver injury measures

Test ID VTN1909
HIC-15 254
Peak gs at hard contact no contact
Tension (kN) 1.3
Extension bending moment (Nm) 10
Maximum Nij 0.27
Chest maximum compression (mm) 27
Femur (kN)
Left 2.1
Right 0.9
Knee displacement (mm)
Left 1
Right 1
Knee-thigh-hip injury risk (%)
Left 0
Right 0
Maximum tibia index
Left 0.44
Right 0.32
Tibia axial force (kN)
Left 1.7
Right 1.5
Foot acceleration (g)
Left 52
Right 72

Small overlap front: passenger-side

Rating applies to 2020-23 models

Tested vehicle: 2020 Kia Soul S wagon

The Kia Soul was redesigned for the 2020 model year. Passenger-side small overlap frontal ratings are assigned by the Institute based on a test conducted by Hyundai/Kia as part of frontal crash test verification.

Measures of occupant compartment intrusion on passenger side

Test ID VTP1916
Lower occupant compartment
Lower hinge pillar max (cm) 6
Footrest (cm) 7
Right toepan (cm) 4
Center toepan (cm) 2
Rocker panel lateral average (cm) 3
Upper occupant compartment
Center dash (cm) 1
Upper hinge pillar max (cm) 4
Upper dash (cm) 3
Right lower dash (cm) 4

Passenger injury measures

Test ID VTP1916
HIC-15 115
Peak gs at hard contact no contact
Tension (kN) 0.9
Extension bending moment (Nm) 22
Maximum Nij 0.27
Chest maximum compression (mm) 25
Femur (kN)
Left 0.2
Right 1.3
Knee displacement (mm)
Left 1
Right 7
Knee-thigh-hip injury risk (%)
Left 0
Right 0
Maximum tibia index
Left 0.43
Right 0.47
Tibia axial force (kN)
Left 1.5
Right 1.2
Foot acceleration (g)
Left 52
Right 46

Driver injury measures

Test ID VTP1916
HIC-15 134
Peak gs at hard contact no contact
Tension (kN) 0.9
Extension bending moment (Nm) 17
Maximum Nij 0.21
Chest maximum compression (mm) 34
Femur (kN)
Left 0.3
Right 0.3
Knee displacement (mm)
Left 1
Right 1
Knee-thigh-hip injury risk (%)
Left 0
Right 0
Maximum tibia index
Left 0.21
Right 0.21
Tibia axial force (kN)
Left 0.2
Right 0.8
Foot acceleration (g)
Left 49
Right 52

Moderate overlap front: original test

Rating applies to 2020-23 models

Tested vehicle: 2020 Kia Soul LX wagon

The Kia Soul was redesigned for the 2020 model year. Moderate overlap frontal ratings are assigned by the Institute based on a test conducted by Hyundai/Kia as part of frontal crash test verification.


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