Jade empire киа минь

Kia Min

Kia Min is a small framed female student at Master Li’s Two Rivers School. She is known for her intricate hairstyle consisting of small knots tied with multiple ribbons. This hairstyle was a tribute to and likely reminder of her mother.

As part of the quest named after her, she later requests that the Player obtain a healing poultice, informing that Old Ming , an elder towns-person, might have knowledge of how the poultice could be made. The Player is inclined to perform this task since Smiling Mountain declares that further attempts to best Kia Min’s group combat record must wait until her wound has healed enough to allow fighting.

There is indeed a poultice consisting of Red silk grass. However, Fen Do, the merchant reminds the Player both of the prohibitive expense of red silk grass and the existence of a much cheaper, though less effective, additive.


Resolution of this assignment has two important outcomes since beating Kia Min’s record, however you choose to do it, gains you a training technique. Kia Min later fights to protect the town during its razing at the hands of Gao the Greater’s thugs. How well she fights and if she survives is determined by if the Player chooses an Open Palm or Closed Fist approach to the poultice assignment.

It has been conjectured by some fans of the game that Kia Min might have been romantically involved with one of the local villagers and it was an early morning meeting between the two that had her out on the overlook when the bandit attack happens.

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She is the niece of Merchant Kia Jong, who works a stand in the heart of the Lotus Assassin Fortress. If the Player successfully describes her to Kia Jong, the merchant is inclined to give the Player a discount on the price of goods purchased from him and a better price for goods sold to him.

Trivia [ ]


Quest: Kia Min


The quest called «Kia Min» is obtained at the Two Rivers School in Chapter 1. It is an optional quest, and can be received after the fight with bandits that occurs as part of A Master’s Teachings. The quest concerns a treatment for the injury of Kia Min, a student at the school who was wounded during the fighting.

Walkthrough [ ]

If players ask Smiling Mountain about practice fights, he will say that players cannot challenge the sparring record Kia Min recently took from them until she is able to fight again. If players want the opportunity to win Smiling Mountain’s prize, they would need to talk to Kia Min and see if there is a way to help mend her wound. Alternatively, players can gain the quest simply by talking to Kia Min directly, without having been directed to her by Smiling Mountain. Either way, Kia Min will say that she vaguely remembers a herb which would be of use to her, and asks that the player talk to Old Ming on the beach to see if he knows of it.

Old Ming tells players that Red Silk grass would help Kia Min’s wound, and says that Fen Do the merchant would be able to supply it. He cautions the player not to use Bearded Tongue grass, a cheaper alternative — it just deadens the pain rather than actually healing the wound. Old Ming says that although most people would be fine with a painkiller, Kia Min «would start practicing again and tear something vital», which could cripple her.

Fen Do, who is making a poultice for Kia Min, agrees with Old Ming’s suggestion of adding a medicinal grass to it, and offers the player a choice between the two. He recommends Bearded Tongue Grass, as it is half the price of Red Silk grass, but reiterates Old Ming’s point — Bearded Tongue grass would simply alleviate the pain, and that Kia Min would need «to take it easy» until time healed the wound on its own. Players can give either salve to Kia Min, who will reimburse them for the cost (or for what players pretend the cost was) if players let her.

Players can then go to Smiling Mountain and ask to challenge Kia Min’s record. Since Kia Min says she is feeling better, Smiling Mountain will allow it, and players are able to win the Alloyed Body technique as the prize. If Kia Min was given the cheaper Bearded Tongue grass, she will injure herself in the bout — afterwards, players can tell her what they did if they wish.

If Kia Min is injured, she will be killed attempting to fight off attackers later in the chapter.

Journal entries [ ]

Talked to Smiling Mountain [Can Be Skipped]: «Smiling Mountain, one of the combat trainers under Master Li, is offering a special reward to any student who can set a new record for the number of opponents faced at once. You might be able to earn this mysterious reward if you can help Kia Min get back into fighting form.»

  • «Ask Kia Min About Healing: Kia Min must be in fighting form before you can get together enough opponents to try for Smiling Mountain’s prize. Ask her if there is anything you can do to help.»

Talked to Kia Min: «Kia Min can’t face you in Smiling Mountain’s test until she is feeling better, but she vaguely remembered a type of grass that might speed her healing.»

  • «Ask Old Ming About Herbs: Old Ming tends to the statue of the Emperor down by the beach. He might know a herb that is effective at binding wounds.»

Asked Old Ming: «Old Ming’s memory still seems sharp after all these years. He remembered two grasses that would have similar effects in restoring Kia Min to fighting shape for Smiling Mountain’s special contest. He cautioned that you should only use red silk grass, because bearded tongue grass is only a painkiller and not a true cure.»

  • «Acquire a Red Silk Grass Poultice: Merchant Fen Do in the town square likely has the curative red silk grass in stock.»
  • or«Acquire a Bearded Tongue Grass Poultice: While it may not be as effective, Merchant Fen Do would likely charge less for a bearded tongue grass poultice. He is at his shop in the town square.»

Use painkiller.

Bought salve: «You have purchased a poultice infused with red silk grass, which Old Ming assured you would safely bind Kia Min’s wounds so she could take part in Smiling Mountain’s special test.»

Bought salve: «You now have a poultice infused with bearded tongue grass. The mixture may not have many curative effects, but it will at least take away the pain. This should be enough to convince Kia Min that she’s able to fight in Smiling Mountain’s special test.»

Given salve: «Min was quite impressed with the effects of the poultice, and she now feels ready to fight again. If you wish to test yourself against a record level of opponents, she will happily join in Smiling Mountain’s contest.»

  • «Face Smiling Mountain’s Challenge: In order to earn Smiling Mountain’s prize, you must face a record level of students. Smiling Mountain waits in the school.»

Quest completed: «You set a new record by defeating five opponents at the same time. As your reward, Smiling Mountain taught you the training techniques he calls «The Alloyed Body.» Kia Min seems to be fine, thanks to the poultice you had Fen Do mix for her.»

Quest completed: «You have set a new record by defeating five opponents at the same time. The bearded tongue grass poultice lacked any real curative effect, though, and Kia Min’s wound has torn open, injuring her further. Despite his obvious concern for Kia Min, Smiling Mountain has awarded you a scroll called «The Alloyed Body» outlining his conditioning techniques.»


Quest: Aishi the Mournful Blade


In the Black Leopard School, Aishi will immediately agree to tell the player her tale if the player follows the Way of the Open Palm. If the player follows the Way of the Closed Fist, Aishi must be convinced to tell her tale with an intuition, charm or intimidation conversation check.

If the player fails to convince Aishi to share her tale or decides to kill Aishi at any point (Closed Fist), the player can collect a bounty of 2500 silver, or possibly a doubled bounty of 5000 silver, and the Gem of Mastery from Captain Sen. The old man will not reappear under these circumstances.

If the Player hears Aishi’s tale (Open Palm), Aishi reveals that she was in love with Captain Sen when they were children and that together they allowed a boy to drown. She has come to the Imperial City to make Captain Sen pay for the boy’s life. Aishi asks the player to escort her to Captain Sen as a «subdued» prisoner. When the player agrees, both Aishi and the player appear in front of Captain Sen in the Market District. Aishi tells Captain Sen that she is here to kill him and Captain Sen doubles the bounty on Aishi’s head if the player will protect him. After killing Captain Sen, Aishi asks the player to kill her. No matter which conversation option the player chooses, the player will fight Aishi. After the battle, the player will again be approached by the old man who, in a twist, explains he is the ghost of Aishi’s father, allowed by the Spirit Monks to linger and watch over his daughter. He rewards the player 2500 silver and the Gem of Unity for helping Aishi find peace and dissipates to await the Water Dragon’s return.

Journal entries [ ]

  • First assigned:«An old man approached you after you dealt with both of Captain Sen’s bounties. He told you about another wanted criminal named Aishi the Mournful Blade.»
    • «Track Down the Mournful Blade: According to the elderly informant, Aishi the Mournful Lade is in the Black Leopard School, which lies off the Market District.»
    • «Collect Aishi’s Bounty: Captain Sen by the city gates in the Market District handles bounties, and he will likely have a bounty for Aishi the Mournful Blade.»

    Locked Out of Quest [ ]

    If the player completes the Black Leopard School quest in a Closed Fist manner, they will be barred from the school by Master Smiling Hawk and will be unable to finish or start Quest: Aishi the Mournful Blade.


    Kia Jong

    Kia Jong is a merchant who could be found selling his wares in the Lotus Assassin Fortress.

    His niece, Kia Min, attended the school in Two Rivers along with the Last Spirit Monk.

    The Player has the opportunity to inform Kia Jong of his niece’s fate. Whether they followed the Way of the Open Palm or the Closed Fist sides of Kia Min’s quest in the first chapter.

    Should the Player tell him that Kia Min is dead and that the Lotus Assassins are responsible, Kia Jong will reply that he will let Kia Min’s parents know, but that he will not hold a grudge against the Lotus Assassins nor will he discontinue his business with them, as the current dire times to not permit such things.

    Note: This is the best merchant to sell items to, after he offers you a discount it also applies to items sold to him for example Aura Of Calm/Malice Gem you sell for 800 silver to other Merchants he buys for 880 silver,In the case of Gem Of Absolute Dedication he buys it for 5500 sliver instead of 5000 silver,So if you can hold on to your excess gems till you get access to him you end up far richer than if you sold to random Merchants.

    Kia Jong can be killed if the Player has cleared the hall and killed the Mold masters. If yhe player threatens to kill Kia Jong by the «I could kill you» dialogue option he can kill him and his slaves or order his slaves to kill him and in advance gain some closed fist points.


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