Блок bcm kia sportage 3

Kia Sportage: BCM (Body Control Module) / Description and operation

If the washer switch is pressed ON for 0.06 — 0.2 second with the vehicle mode in IGN2, the wiper relay is turned ON 0.3±0.1 second after washer switch ON, and then the wiper relay is turned OFF 0.7±0.1 second later.

If the washer switch is pressed ON for over 0.2 second with the vehicle mode in IGN2, the wiper relay is turned ON 0.3±0.1 second after washer switch ON, and then the wiper relay is turned OFF 2.5 — 3.8 seconds (wiper activates 2 — 3 times) after washer switch OFF.

If the wiper mist switch is pressed ON for 0.7 second with the vehicle mode in IGN2, the wiper relay is turned ON, and then OFF 0.7 second later.

If the wiper mist switch is pressed ON for over 0.7 second with the vehicle mode in IGN2, the wiper relay is turned ON, and then turned OFF 0.7 second after wiper mist switch OFF.

If the INT wiper switch is turned ON with the vehicle mode in IGN2, INT wiper operates intermittently (10 — 2.2 sec.) based on the INT volume setting.

If the defogger switch is turned ON with the vehicle mode in alternator ON, defogger relay is turned ON for 20 minutes.

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If the defogger switch is pressed one more time or if alternator mode is turned OFF while the defogger is ON, then the defogger relay is turned OFF.

If brake switch is turned ON with the vehicle mode in IGN1 ON and the shift lever in P position, ATM solenoid is turned ON to unlock the shift lever.

If tailgate release switch is turned ON with all doors unlocked, tailgate releaserelay is turned ON for 0.2±0.02 second.

If Interior tailget release switch is turned ON, tailgate release relay is turned ON for 0.2±0.02 second.

(However, Tailgate release relay is NOT turned ON of the vehicle speed is over 5km/h(3.1mi/h), or if the vehicle is in ARMWAIT, ARM, REARM, or ALARM mode.)

If a door is opened during the 30 second power window relay ON period, the power window relay is immediately turned OFF.

If a door is opened and the vehicle mode is switched IGN ON → OFF, power window relay is immediately turned OFF.

If Seat belt is not fastened, Indicator is turned ON at the first IGN ON, then turned OFF when the seat belt is fastened.

If the vehicle speed is over 20Km/h with Seat belt unfastened, Indicator blinks and chime buzzer is activated for 100 seconds.

While the vehicle speed is over 20Km/h with the seat belt fastened, then the seat belt is unfastened, Indicator blinks and chime buzzer is activated for 100 seconds. (Remider)

If the Seat belt is fastened or the vehicle mode is switched to IGN OFF while 100 sec. buzzer is activating, the Indicator blinking and the buzzer is turned OFF.

If the vehicle mode is switched to IGN ON with Seat belt unfastened, and vehicle speed exceeds 20Km/h with Indicator ON, Indicator blinks and chime buzzer is activated for 100 seconds.

If a door is opened with the vehicle mode in IGN OFF, the room lamp is turned ON. If the door is closed, the room lamp is remained ON for 30 seconds then turned OFF. (dimmer 2±0.2 sec.)

If the door is remained opened, the room lamp is remained ON for 20 minutes, then turned OFF. (dimmer 2±0.2 sec.)

Key illumination Lamp is turned ON if a door is opened while the vehicle mode in IGN1 switch OFF, and the Key illumination Lamp is turned OFF 30 seconds after the door is closed.

If the vehicle mode is switched to IGN1 ON while Key illumination lamp is ON, then the lamp is immediately turned OFF.

If the vehicle mode is switched to ARMWAIT while Key illumination lamp is ON, then the lamp is immediately turned OFF.

If KEY IN switch OFF & Tail switch ON & Driver Door OPEN while in KEY IN switch ON & Tail switch ON, the tail relay is turned OFF. (Auto OFF)

If KEY IN switch is turned ON after Auto OFF, then the tail relay is turned ON. Tail relay does not turn back ON even if the driver side door is opened → closed.

If the vehicle mode is switched from IGN1 to IGN1 OFF, and the haed lamp is turned ON by haed lamp switch or autolight, then the haed lamp is remained ON.

If Haed lamp low is turned ON with head lamp low switch ON or autolight function, and head lamp high switch is ON (Self return), then the head lamp high is turned ON.

Head lamp high activates only when the passing switch is turned ON and the vehicle mode is in IGN2 ON.

If the sensor detects tail light ON condition, then only the tail lamp is turned ON. If the sensor detects head lamp ON condition, then both the tail lamp and the head lamp are turned ON.

In case of head lamp ON condition, both the tail lamp and head lamp are turned ON regardless of tail switch ON/OFF status.

If the vehicle mode is switched to KEY OFF, all doors are closed and locked while the Head lamp is turned ON (Head lamp switch or AUTO switch + night time), then RKE unlock is activated, the Head lamp is turned ON for 15 seconds.

The left/right Static Bending Lamp (SBL) is turned ON corresponding to the steering wheel angle while the head lamp is ON.

In case of domestic models, the lamp is not turned ON if the vehicle speed is below 3Km/h or when the shift lever is in R position.

If Auto light ambience level is tail lamp OFF condition for over 2.5 seconds, then OFF signal is sent.

If the shift lever is switched to R position while the vehicle mode is in IGN1 ON, then buzzer is activated 0.5 second later.

Warning level is displayed in the cluster and buzzer is activated corresponding to the warning condition.

If TX lock signal is received with KEY IN switch removed from the cylIndicatorer and all doors are closed, then all doors lock signal is outputted, and when all door lock switch is locked, then hazard lamp is turned ON 1 time, and the vehicle enters ARM mode after expiration of ARMWAIT time (30 sec.).

If TX lock signal is received while any one of the doors, hood, or tailgate is opened, then only the lock signal is outputted. Hazard lamp is not turned ON and the vehicle does not enter the ARM mode.

If any of the doors is not opened or KEY IN is not detected within 30 seconds after receiving TX unlock signal, then the vehicle returns to ARM mode.

If the vehicle is in ARMWAIT mode while KEY OUT, then Indicator is remained ON. Indicator blinks in interval if the vehicle is in any mode other than ARMWAIT. (Blink Interval: 2 sec. OFF, 0.3 sec. ON)

If Alarm activation condition is detected, then start inhibit is turned ON to prevent engine start and the alarm is activated.

If TX UNLOCK/LOCK switch signal is received, unlock/lock signal is outputted for 0.5 second, and START INHIBIT is turned OFF.

If KEY IN switch ON & IGN1 switch ON & IGN2 switch ON & alternator ON is maintained for 30 seconds, then start inhibit is turned OFF and the vehicle mode is switched to DISARM.

If the battery is disconnected while the alarm is activating, and then reconnected, then the alarm also reactivates.

If the battery is disconnected while the vehicle is in ARM mode, and then reconnected, the vehicle maintains ARM mode.

If Driver/Passenger side door KEY lock/unlock switch is turned ON within 3 seconds, then all door lock/unlock signal is outputted for 0.5 second.

If Driver door lock switch (Power window) is Lock/Unlock, then all door lock/unlock signal is outputted for 0.5 second.

If the vehicle mode is in IGN1 ON & alternator ON, and the vehicle speed is over15km/h(9.3mi/h), all doors are locked within 1.5 seconds.

(However, if all doors are already locked or in case all door fail condition, then all door lock function is not executed.)

If any one of the doors is unlocked after locking via above condition, then lock command is executed 3 times. (at 1 sec. interval). Unlocked door that is locked during the 3 attempts is ignored.

If All doors are closed, and driver door unlock switch is switched from locked to unlocked, then all door unlock signal is outputted 1 time for 0.25 second.

If IGN KEY ON, Driver door switch open & Driver door unlock state becomes locked, all door unlock is executed for 1 second after 0.5 second delay.

IGN KEY ON, Assist door switch open & Assist door unlock state becomes locked, all door unlock is executed for 1 second after 0.5 second delay.

If Driver door switch is closed within 0.5 second from driver door unlock state switchitching UNLOCK → LOCK when the vehicle is in IGN KEY ON mode, all door unlock is executed only 1 time for 1 second.

If unlock condition is satisfied, then unlock is executed even if the condition is not maintained for 0.5 second.

If the door remains locked even if unlock command is outputted for 1 second as stated above, then unlock is attempted for up to 3 times (excluding the 1st output) (1 sec. interval: 0.5 sec. ON/OFF)

Unlock is executed every time ACU signal is inputted when IGN switch is turned ON. Unlock output continues for the set duration even if the vehicle mode is switched from IGN KEY ON to OFF.

If the Driver/Assist/Rear door lock switch is switched from unlock to lock after executing unlock, then unlock command is executed again for 5 seconds.

If Auto switch is activated, then Fold/Unfold is engaged automatically in case of any of below conditions.


954003U660 kia sportage 3 блок блок управления bcm 95400 — 3u660

954003U660 kia sportage 3 блок блок управления bcm 95400 - 3u660

* Цена за перевозку указана для товаров малогабаритных размеров. При перевозке крупногабаритных товаров (кузовные детали, сиденья, шасси, агрегаты) есть таможенный сбор. Стоимость таможенного сбора зависит от детали и пересчитывается дополнительно.

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Оригинальный номер: 95400-3U660
95400-3U660, 954003U660

954003U660 kia sportage 3 блок блок управления bcm 95400 — 3u660 бу

Оригинальное название запчасти на польском языке: KIA SPORTAGE III MODUŁ STEROWNIK BCM 95400-3U660

954003U660 kia sportage 3 блок блок управления bcm 95400 - 3u660

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