All kia vehicle models

Full List of Kia Models

Below is a list of all Kia cars & models that have come out so far. This Kia vehicle model list includes photos of Kia vehicles along with release dates and body types of each car. Did you used to drive one of the old Kia cars on this list? The company has had hits and misses, but definitely have put out some great cars. Everything from Kia Optima to Kia Soul is included on this list. This list of car models made by Kia is a great way to see how Kia has evolved over the years. Kia types also have car class information available if you click on their names and go to their dedicated page.

Kia Optima

The Kia Optima is a mid-size four-door sedan manufactured by Kia Motors since 2000 and marketed globally through various nameplates. First generation cars were mostly marketed as the Optima, although the Kia Magentis name was used in Europe and Canada when sales began there in 2002. For the second generation models, Kia used the Kia Lotze & Kia K5 name for the South Korean market, and the Magentis name globally, except in the United States and Malaysia where the Optima name was retained. The Optima name is now going to be used for all markets except China, where they will also use the South Korean market name.

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Kia Rio

The Kia Rio is a subcompact car produced by the South Korean manufacturer Kia since August 2000 and now in its third generation. Body styles have included a three and five-door hatchback and four-door sedan body styles, equipped with inline-four gasoline and diesel engines, and front-wheel drive. The Rio replaced the first-generation Pride—a rebadged version of the Ford Festiva—and the Avella, a subcompact sold as a Ford in some markets. A second generation was introduced in 2005 in Europe and 2006 in North America, sharing its platform with the Hyundai Accent, a subcompact manufactured by its sister Hyundai Motor Company. In South Korea, the second generation was marketed as the New . more

Kia Sportage

Photo : Metaweb (FB) / Public domain

Kia Sportage

The Kia Sportage is a compact crossover vehicle built by the South Korean manufacturer Kia since 1993.

Kia Soul

The Kia Soul is a compact car designed at Kia’s design center in California, unveiled at the 2008 Paris Motor Show, manufactured in South Korea, and sold since 2009.

Kia Forte

The Kia Forte is a compact car produced by the South Korean manufacturer Kia Motors since mid-2008. It replaced the Kia Cerato and is available in two-door coupé, four-door sedan, five-door hatchback variants. It is not available in Europe, where the similar sized Kia Cee’d is offered. In South Korea, this car is marketed as the Kia K3. In some markets, such as Costa Rica, Australia and Brazil, the Forte is marketed as the Kia Cerato replacing its predecessor of the same name. In Colombia and Singapore, the name Kia Cerato Forte is used, while Naza of Malaysia has assembled the vehicle since 2009, selling it there under the name Naza Forte.

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Lotus Elan

Lotus Elan is the name of two convertible cars and one fixed head coupé produced by Lotus Cars. The original Type 26, 26R Racing version, 36R Racing version, 36 Fixed Head Coupe, 45 Drop Head Coupe, and the «Type 50» +2 Coupe, circa 1962 to 1975, are commonly known as the 1960s Elans. A similar Elan-inspired model called Evante was produced from mid-1980s by British Lotus specialists Vegantune. The Type M100 from 1989 to 1995, is also commonly known as the 1990s Elan. This second model was also produced in South Korea by Kia Motors between 1996 and 1999, rebadged as the Kia Elan.


Список автомобилей Kia — List of Kia vehicles

Южнокорейский производитель автомобилей Kia производит различные автомобили , внедорожники и автобусы .

Легковые автомобили

Текущие модели

Модель Представлен календарный год Текущая модель Основные рынки Информация об автомобиле Мировые продажи (2019 г., шт.)
Вступление Обновление ( фейслифтинг ) Код модели

CEED (хэтчбек)
Ceed 2006 г. 2018 г. CD Европа Хэтчбек C-сегмента для европейского рынка. 118 821 (включая Proceed и SW)

Форте 2008 г. 2018 г. BD Глобальный (кроме Европы) Хэтчбек C-сегмента для мирового рынка. 319025 (включая седан)

Picanto 2004 г. 2017 г. 2020 г. JA Глобальный (кроме Северной Америки) Городской автомобиль А-сегмента. 223 580

Луч 2011 г. 2011 г. 2018 г. ТАМ Южная Корея Городской автомобиль с одинарной задней раздвижной дверью на базе Picanto для южнокорейского рынка. 27 831

РИО (хэтчбек)
Рио 1999 г. 2017 г. 2020 г. YB Глобальный (кроме России и Китая) B-сегментный хэтчбек. 166879 (включая седан)

RIO / K2 / KX CROSS (хэтчбек)
2011 г. 2017 г. 2020 г. FB Россия и Китай Хэтчбек B-сегмента для рынка России и Китая. 130941 (включая седан)

Душа 2008 г. 2018 г. SK3 Глобальный Высокий хэтчбек или минивэн. 153 771
Седан / лифтбэк

Форте 2008 г. 2018 г. BD Глобальный (кроме Европы) С-сегмент / компактный седан. Называется K3 в Южной Корее и Китае. 308863
(включая хэтчбек)

FORTE (Китай)
2017 г. 2017 г. ND Китай Седан C-сегмента для китайского рынка, который занимает место ниже K3, основан на Forte первого поколения. 10 162

K4 2014 г. 2014 г. 2018 г. ПФ Китай Седан C-сегмента для китайского рынка, который занимает промежуточное положение между K3 и K5. 8 030

K5 2000 г. 2019 г. DL3 Глобальный Седан D-сегмента / среднего размера . 198 138 (включая Sportswagon)

K7 2009 г. 2016 г. 2019 г. YG Южная Корея и другие Представительский седан ориентирован на внутренний рынок Южной Кореи. 60 878
00 KIA K8 3.jpg
K8 2021 г. 2021 г. GL3 Южная Корея и другие Представительский седан, ориентированный на внутренний рынок Южной Кореи, преемник K7.

K9 / K900 / QUORIS
K9 2012 г. 2018 г. RJ Южная Корея и другие Представительский седан большего размера, ориентированный на внутренний рынок Южной Кореи. 11 748

Пегас 2017 г. 2017 г. AB Китай, развивающиеся рынки Седан B-сегмента начального уровня. 64 726

РИО (седан)
Рио 1999 г. 2017 г. 2020 г. YB Глобальный (кроме России и Китая) B-сегмент / малолитражный седан. 166879 (включая хэтчбек)

РИО / К2 (седан)
2011 г. 2017 г. 2020 г. FB Россия и Китай Седан B-сегмента для рынка России и Китая. 130941 (включая хэтчбек)

Жало 2017 г. 2017 г. 2020 г. СК Глобальный Лифтбэк, ориентированный на высокие характеристики. 26 952

Ceed 2006 г. 2018 г. CD Европа Универсальная версия Ceed. 118,821 (включая хэтчбек Ceed и Proceed)

2006 г. 2018 г. CD Европа Стрелковая версия Ceed. 118 821 (включая хэтчбек Ceed и SW)

Оптима 2015 г. 2015 г. 2018 г. JF Европа Универсальная версия Оптимы. 198,138 (включая седан)
Внедорожник / кроссовер

EV6 2021 г. 2021 г. резюме Глобальный Электрический кроссовер на платформе Hyundai E-GMP .

KX5 2015 г. 2015 г. 2019 г. QLc Китай Рестайлинговая версия глобального Sportage для китайского рынка. 6 873

KX7 2016 г. 2016 г. QM Китай Трехрядный среднеразмерный кроссовер для китайского рынка. 208

Mohave 2008 г. 2008 г. 2019 г. HM Южная Корея и Россия Рамный среднеразмерный внедорожник. 10 615

Ниро 2016 г. 2016 г. 2019 г. DE Глобальный Альтернативный топливный автомобиль компактный кроссовер SUV. Доступен как аккумуляторно-электрический , подзаряжаемый гибрид и гибрид . 125 219

Seltos 2019 г. 2019 г. SP2 Глобальный (кроме Европы) Субкомпактный кроссовер SUV (B-сегмент). 112 350

Сонет 2020 г. 2020 г. QY Глобальные развивающиеся рынки Субкомпактный кроссовер начального уровня SUV (B-сегмент) меньше, чем Stonic.

Трехрядная посадка не является обязательной.

Бывшие модели

Модель Лента новостей Преемник
Введено Снято с производства
Avella 1994 г. 1999 г. Рио / Прайд
Brisa 1974 г. 1981 г. Гордость
Каренс / Рондо 1999 г. 2019 г.
Комби 2000 г. 2002 г.
Конкорд / Капитал 1997 г. 2014 г. Кредо
Кредо 1996 г. 2000 г. Оптима
Предприятие 1998 г. 2002 г. Опирус / Аманти
Элан 1996 г. 1999 г.
Радость 1999 г. 2003 г. Carens
Опирус / Аманти 2002 г. 2011 г. K7 / Каденция
Potentia 1992 г. 2001 г. K9
Pregio 1995 г. 2006 г.
Гордость 1986 г. 2011 г. Рио
Qianlima 2003 г. 2006 г. Рио / Прайд
Ретона 1998 г. 2003 г.
Сефия 1992 г. 2003 г. Cerato
Спектры 2000 г. 2009 г. Форте
Venga 2009 г. 2017 г.
Visto 2000 г. 2004 г. Picanto

Коммерческие автомобили


KIA Defense

  • KLTV (также называемый K151) похож на HMMWV
  • КМ250 (серия К500) вариант грузовика М35
  • Грузовой автомобиль серии KM420 (альтернативно K131) четверть тонны
  • KM450 (серия K300) 1¼тн современный вариант M715
  • KM500 (серия K700) вариант грузовика M809 как 5-тонный, так и 7-тонный варианты
  • KM1500 (серия K900) тяжелый тактический грузовик 8 × 8
  • Серия К53 аналогична шведской гусеничной амфибии Bandvagn 206.

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Full List of Kia Motors Models

List of all Kia Motors cars & models. This Kia Motors vehicle model list includes photos of Kia Motors vehicles along with release dates and body types. For information and pricing on Kia models near you, click here! List is made up of items like Ford Aspire and Kia Sportage. This list of car models made by Kia Motors is alphabetical, but can be sorted by any column. You may copy this fact-based list to build your own just like it, re-rank it to fit your views, then publish it to share with your Facebook friends, Twitter followers or with any other social networks you use on a regular basis.

Kia Avella

Kia Bongo

The Kia Bongo, also known as the Kia K-Series or Kia Besta, is a pick-up truck and van produced by the South Korean manufacturer Kia Motors since 1980. The Bongo was first launched in 1980 under the name Bongo. In 1997, the third generation generation Bongo Frontier was launched. As of 2004, the Kia Bongo was in its fourth version, confusingly sold as the Kia Bongo III. «Frontier» was dropped from the name with this revision.

Kia Carens

The Kia Carens is a compact MPV launched in 1999 by the Korean manufacturer Kia, now in its third generation, and marketed worldwide under various nameplates — prominently as the Kia Rondo. In 2006, Kia presented a second generation Carens for model year 2007. The Carens/Rondo followed Kia’s introduction at the 2005 Frankfurt Motor Show of the Multi-S, essentially the Carens/Rondo in concept form — the S standing for Sporty, Spacious and Smart. The Multi-S differed significantly from the production model only its inclusion of a dual-panel sunroof running the length of the roof. The name Rondo derives from the musical term Rondo.

Kia Carnival

The Kia Carnival is a minivan manufactured by Kia Motors, introduced in September 1998, marketed globally under various nameplates — prominently as the Kia Sedona — and currently in its third generation. First generation models remain in production. Second generation models have been marketed since model year 2006 – including as a rebadged variant in North America, the Hyundai Entourage for model years 2007–2009. Beginning in 2010 certain global markets of the second generation model began receiving updated equipment, engine choices and Kia’s corporate grille, known as the Tiger Nose, as designed by Kia’s design chief, Peter Schreyer. The third generation Carnival debuted at the 2014 New . more

Kia Cee’d

The Kia Cee’d is a compact car produced by the South Korean manufacturer Kia since 2006, exclusively for the European market. It was released in December 2006, superseding the Kia Spectra and is available as a five-door hatchback, a three-door hatchback and a five-door estate, with a choice of four engines, five trim levels and either manual or automatic transmissions. The Cee’d is Kia’s first European-designed and built car and Kia intends to sell and manufacture the car exclusively in Europe. To mark the occasion, Kia took the initials of the European Economic Community, EEC or CEE in some places and added ED for European Design. Realising that «CEEED» had too many ‘E’s, they replaced the . more

Kia Credos

The Kia Credos in South Korea and Australia was Kia’s first mass production large family sedan, and was based on the running gear of the pre-1997 Mazda Capella, which went on sale in Korea in 1995, and in Australia in 1998. It was powered by one of two Mazda sourced petrol engines with 1.8 and 2.0 litres, which proved to be unremarkable in performance but excellent for reliability. A diesel-powered alternative was not available. The car’s interior was dull but spacious and comfortable, as well as the boot being massive. The asking price for the basic 1.8 SX was £11,000 — around £4,000 less than the equivalent Ford Mondeo and Vauxhall Vectra. In Australia, the Credos was introduced in May . more


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